Sunday, April 22, 2007

FDA Update on Sunday (!)

Has this pet food recall grown to such an extent that
it's impossible to report on? It's the only reason I have
for why it's not being reported (and there's enough new
developments on this topic daily that can keep the
media busy) that, or the FDA and the government
want to keep it that way. I can't think of any other
recall in U.S. history that consists of pages upon pages
of recalled items that have crossed over now from being
just a pet issue to being a danger to humans as well.
The more I think about this whole mess the more I
wonder what else we don't know. The more I wonder
if that recalled pet food was fed to just more than hogs.
The more I wonder if the deceased dogs and cats were
rendered and put back into the food chain as more pet

This is so wide spread and for that reason I can't understand
why you don't hear about it unless you dig around for the
latest yourself. With recalls being issued on Fridays and
updates on Sundays it isn't something most people will
catch or hear about. The recalls are adding up daily but I
still see stores that haven't pulled the affected items off their
shelves. I still find myself telling friends that the food they
are feeding has been recalled, much to their surprise. What
about people that don't use the internet and don't understand
english? My Mom is one of those people - if I hadn't told her
she would still be feeding Max a food that was potentially
toxic to him.

The FDA needs to push the red button on this. It's not 16 pets
- it's thousands. And it's not "just the pets" - it's now in the
human food chain. As Marc Maron used to say on his morning
show, "Wake up sheeple!" Don't count on the media or the
government to protect you. The bottom line is all they care
about - not you, and definitely not Fido and Fluffy.

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